Dear Website Visitors, dear Patients and Colleagues,
Welcome to the GENERATE homepage! GENERATE stands for GErman NEtwork for Research on AuToimmune Encephalitis. Our mission is to address the medical community working on autoimmune encephalitis as well as all patients and their relatives touched by this condition. The website is designed to compile and disseminate information on the various types of autoimmune encephalitis:
- Anti-NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis
- Encephalomyelitis
- Limbic encephalitis
- Brainstem encephalitis
- Cerebellitis
- Myelitis
- Stiff person syndrome (SPS) and stiff person syndrome plus, e.g. progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM), hyperekplexia (startle disease)
- Morvan syndrome and acquired neuromyotonia (Isaacs' syndrome)
Autoantibodies can be demonstrated in many of these syndromes. These include autoantibodies against NMDAR, LgI1, CASPR2, GAD, GABA(b)R, AMPAR, GlyR, DPPX, D2R, MOG. The GENERATE network is committed to educating the medical and patient communities about syndromes with known antibodies as well as about “seronegative” syndromes, while driving the search for new target antigens.
The goal of this initiative is to ensure the best-in-class care of patients suffering from this rare disease by promoting autoimmune encephalitis-related education, research and therapy.
By bundling the knowledge and experience of all stakeholders, we can succeed in getting those affected rapid access to the necessary treatments and enable them to liaise with specialist centers.
The GENERATE homepage provides information about these diseases and makes it easy to find the appropriate specialized centers. It additionally posts evidence and references on pathophysiology, diagnostics and therapy.

Anti-NMDAR antibodies (green) on a hippocampal neuron (red). DAPI-stained nucleus (blue).